Poems From The Heart of Wayne Hoss Page 3
All I want is love, understanding, and health
Why is something so simple too much to ask?
I know not of hate, for my heart has no room
But as I see evil more and more, I hope he comes soon
Nobody is perfect except the lord above
I wait and pray to enter his world of love
Don't Miss Me
Please don’t miss me when I’m gone
I've left this life to carry on
The reason I write this poem like letter
Is to remind you that where I am life is better
In heaven there is no more worries, no more fears
No more hurting and no more tears
So please don’t worry, please don’t fret
We will be together again, you can bet
With your life you must continue
Though you won’t see me know that I am with you
So when you see those moving things
It was just me flapping my golden wings
If you should happen to feel a cold breeze
It was probably just my heavenly sneeze
If you see something as bright as a flare
You will know for sure that I was there
Always remember that I am no longer in pain
In this death I had more to gain
People have always seen death as the end
Actually; it was for me that God did send
In Heaven we are promised all of these things
Promises even truer than to wed with golden rings
Now that I have left please don’t cry
For I am happier up here in the sky
Someday together again we will stand
Together with God in his promised Land!
Friendly Voice of Woe!
You meet this person who claims to be a friend
He swears that he will be there until the end
He seems so trust worthy there at first
Little did you know that he was evils worst
He was for you life’s evil thinker
His evil suggestions your life’s sinker
He spoke with a friendly voice of woe
Influencing you to go where he wouldn’t go
Slowly but surely he led you astray
But where will he be come judgment day
He said it was o.k. to do a few drugs
Before you knew it you were running from thugs
It was he whom persuaded you to have that first drink
For he knew that under the influence you would not think
It was he whom taught you such good lies
And set you up with false alibi's
Before long your problems did double
Even he knew that you were headed for trouble
Now that he suckered you into a life of sin
He hid himself deep in the shadows within
Your family tried to set off your conscious alarms
As they sadly watched him lead you into Satan’s arms
So now you’re at that dividing road
Wondering which way to carry your load
Give in to you heart and follow the Lord
Let that friend carry his own sword!
My Love
I hoped and prayed and dug to the bottom of my heart
Asking God that you and I love each other and never part
You are more to me than gold is to a miner
There is nothing better, nothing finer
When I look at you I think of spring
Sweet, beautiful, innocent and calm
You are what I want more than anything
Make me putty and melt me in your palm
For if what makes us part is me
I will do anything to change
My love for you is true eternally
All that I want is to keep you in my range
I only ask that you let me know
Where and how I went wrong
So that true, live and bright as snow
I may come back hard and strong
If the words from your precious lips
Say you do love me true
Tell me or put a pen in your fingertips
Because nothing is stronger than my love for you!
The Wrong Foot
It seems like yesterday
Though it's been years
You threw my Love away
And left me in tear's
We hadn't been together long
A couple of weeks at most
I held on to you all so strong
To be by your side and boast
Before I knew it you wore my ring
Then suddenly left me for another
It hurt more than anything
I went crying to my mother
It wasn't long and you were back
Once again we were side by side
Though now my trust you would lack
And my pain I would hide
After you I had no other
Yet seeing you in another’s arms
Knowing you had slept with another
Set off in me many alarms
After two years you once again earned my trust
We were happy again with a newborn child
Until you kissed my friend with a lock of lust
Shaking with fear I went wild
You promised me "never again!"
I wanted to believe it was true
So again I let my heart mend
For I felt destined to be with you
It happened a third time
This one went too far
I brought home an acquaintance that had not a dime
Not a home, not even a car
You caressed him with your eyes, hands, and feet
The next day I watched your child and mine
You took my car shopping, but it was him you'd meet
It went on a week not crossing my mind
You took our children and left with him
Neither of you knew where to go
My heart stopped working deep within
It seemed never again it would flow
I never knew one who could be so cold
And care not of the hurt of others
I went crazy and slowly turned old
Relied on my family, sisters and brothers
Once again you've come back
Again I accepted you and hid the hurt
But I realize now a part of this relationship lacks
I believe it is just in you to cheat and flirt
It started all too wrong and I am sorry
I guess we started on "The wrong foot!"
Life is but a bucket of dreams to me
Running along the beach hand in hand
How I wish that I could share it with thee
Come with me and we'll roam the land
There is yet a beautiful world to see
And if I had one wish I would demand
That we would love each other eternally
Dance romantically to the beat of the band
Our arms elegantly wrapped as we sip our wine
Staring one another spaciously in the eye's
To be with you darling there's nothing more divine
Not having you babe, the thought I despise
Life to me is full of love and happiness
As a dreamy romance at a movie
All that I really ask of life is this
For you to be by my side and share the dream with me
I am a dreamer, though they usually don't become reality
There is one that together we can make come true
With your help I can reach that formality
You see now my dream is to be with you
What’s Out There?
As I relax outside in my new lawn chair
I gaze at the stars wondering what's out there
Even more puzzled by were does space end?
Then asking myself, do I believe in spacemen?
Who made the earth, sun, and moon just for us?
And what did he put beyond the star dust?
If space does end, what begins there?
Ask I might, but guess I don't dare
Thought I seen a falling, bright star
Till it stopped! Is it possibly a space car?
Now it disappeared into thin air!
Am I seeing things? I ask as I stare
In space mysteries gleam out of sight
Tired of guessing I just call it a night
But in my sleep I will dream for answers
And dream of those beautiful, star romancers
Remember Me Always
Remember me always the one you met
Who had a truck instead of a Leer Jet
It seems like yesterday I stole your heart
Now we've drifted so far apart
Truly the sweetest of all my acquaintance
Definitely the most glamorous of all
In my mind I keep your maintenance
Now that you’re gone my world is small
When I first met you, you could brighten any day
Even use your sparkling eyes to light the night
Now it seems as though today
All we really do is fight
How I want to believe that you truly loved me
And felt that I was a part of your life
For the love of your life I want to be
To make you my only love and someday my wife
So my love remember me always the one you met
Because I am truly the one you will never forget!
Fool of Fool's
Talking of fools and hurting others
Hurting peoples feelings to make it easier on myself
I've been using excuses to cover up my errors
As I stacked my maturity away on a shelf
Who am I to judge?
Who am I to name a fool?
Why should I hold a grudge?
Use it as a weapon and a tool!
Expecting more attention than I give
Now I realize like this it will be hard to live
To reach my maturity and keep it in my grasp
I'll need a little help and a kick in the ass!
Who am I? Now I look in the mirror and see
The fool of fools!
Blue City
Skies all over darkened with smog
Blue waters turned green and dark
Lumberjacks cut down our last log
All cut down as man leaves his mark
Cities still have green in various places
But as contractors build it slowly disappears
More buildings rise as man steadily races
Taking precious land away from animals like deer’s
So now today I dream of more green
And add my special clean blue city
Sometimes I feel that there is hope for my dream
Until I walk outside awakened and think it's a pity
Regretfully I see oil in the ocean
And much crime throughout the land
Man's greed shows with little emotion
As trash and pollution washes onto the sand
This dream of my Blue City shall come true
As I pray that our wait not be long
When the Lord comes with the Promised Land for me and you
Then at last I will rejoice with a song
We will run with the now tamed animals
Pet the soft fur of Lions, bears, and Cubs
Happiness so great, laughter can be measured in decibels
No more War, hate, or nuclear subs
Nobody but God knows when this will be
Should I be in sin when he comes for the human race
I beg forgiveness, and ask to walk with thee
As I hope to be forgiven for being a disgrace
The Dream
Sitting here with no words to say
Beautiful visions of you in my mind
My dreams swiftly carry me away
As my heart tangles and proceeds to bind
Golden hair and sparkling eyes
Something special that money never buy's
Like the stars, your personality fills the sky
I feel such warmth as you walk by
Dreaming of you wishing you were mine
If you can't be I hope to dream all the time!
The Missing Link
The times we shared were few yet many
We shared some laughs and shared some tears
We shared some times that were better than any
Along with them were some hidden fears
Now is the time to realize it is over
The link we once had has diminished
Like the missing link in a three leaf clover
A fourth leaf torn, a relationship finished
No Smoking!
They first lit up just to be cool
Smoking tobacco just to fit in
Now realizing they were a fool
Hurting their bodies deep within
Innocent people next to them choking
As even their Lungs are slowly charred
Yet still people keep on smoking
As we wait for tobacco to be barred
Addictive Nicotine make's it hard to quit
Though they always promise to quit soon
A few minute's later another one is lit
Increasing the risk of impending doom
Don't they realize that it is wrong
Hurting their bodies with tobacco
Shortness of breath comes along
Now they wonder if they are Wacko
Spare your lungs and the lungs of others
Make your habit chewing gum
Before that smoke finally smothers
And collapses that last lung
Why Did God Put Thorns on Roses?
Why did God put thorns on Roses?
I think not to poke our noses
Maybe the earth’s beauty he wanted to preserve
He figured those who destroy it the poke they deserve
Thorns to preserve beauty you might ask
Yet this was Gods simplest task
He made trees for shade and to filter the air
Yet we cut them down like we don't care
He put needles on porcupines for protection
To keep them from harm I'd say from recollection
He gave animals sharp teeth and claws
He gave the alligators their mighty jaws
He made the human body all so perfect
He gave us special organs to filter defect
God gave all living things its own defense
So let’s help protect it, its common sense!
Love of My Dreams
Finally at last, the love of my dreams
Golden hair and a silver smile
So pure and perfect, yet unreal it seems
To catch this dream I would run a mile
So sweet and pure yet hurt so much
Afraid to let go and feel true love
Let the hurt be gone feel my touch
Slip gently into my loving glove
Feel my needs as I will feel yours
Let honesty and love run our lives
Around you, love from my heart pours
My heart is yours to love or rip with a knife
My dream is to love one, and only one
And for her to love only me
In my eye's your better than anyone
Let’s love together, let our hearts burn free
The sweetness of your lips touching mine
The oceanic view of your eye's
To me there is nothing as fine
Nothing better that money buys
Treatin’ You to Cheatin’
So many times I took you to the Park
The children loved it, I could
I never left you in the dark
All of my secrets, you knew as well
Always made sure you had a roof over your head
I've even taken you places that you've never been
You never had to worry about the kids being fed
I even put up with your worst of kin
I invited an acquaintance over for a beer
Figured it was the polite thing to do
Why you ran off with him still isn’t clear
You left me alone, looking like a fool
Always gave my friends the shirt off of my back
As well as giving you both all of my trust
Never expected to find you both in the sack
Trading my trust for temporary lust
There were other times I caught you with my friends
Each time I was mentally beaten
Still hurting I let you make amends
Can't help but wonder why all my friends have been treatin you to cheatin
Lord Knows
Lord knows I've partied hard
Lord knows I've partied long
Now I must play my last card
And hold on to your love so strong
When we met I knew for sure
In you was something special
Your love and caring was my cure
Such sweetness, yet stern and sentimental
Started looking for love when I was young
Through years of heartaches I grew cold
But when we got together my heart sung
I hope together we will grow old
I ran wild but committed no crimes
Dated so many, now I realize I loved so few
Guess I was looking for the wrong signs
None showed their love quite like you do
You see now I need you, I love you
Lord knows this is true
Love Is
Love is carrying your heart to its fullest extension
Giving each other plenty of love and attention
Love is a fulfillment of caring
And plenty of a thing called sharing