Poems From The Heart of Wayne Hoss
Poems from the Heart of Wayne Hoss
By: Wayne Hoss
Poems from the Heart of Wayne Hoss
By Wayne Hoss
Copyright 2012 Wayne Hoss
The First Kiss
The first kiss I remember well
As well as our first embrace
I remember how it made my head swell
And made my fluttering heart race!
I remember the twinkle in your eye
Your heavenly glow lit up the sky
Your tender lips were ever so soft
They sent me drifting ever aloft
Rather than floating on cloud nine
Your kiss sent me to heaven divine
I was literally lifted off my feet
By your passionate kiss ever so sweet
I swear that I seen stars after that kiss
My mind clouded by a heavenly mist
There is no doubt what that kiss did for me
It left me suspended in shear ecstasy
It is hard to believe that so much passion
Could be in such a simple action
When you’re gone your presence I miss
So I think of the first kiss
To Be with You
Like the bees need the honey dew
And the dark needs the light
All I want is to be with you
Cause I care for you with all my might
Though I just met you a week ago
I would simply like to say
Being with you makes my heart flow
From day to day
I'm afraid that I might fall in love
Looking at the twinkle in your eye's
Sparkling like the stars above
Drifting romantically through the skies
How I would like to kiss your sweet lips
And caress your soft skin
I beg you don't let my heart rip
Stand beside me and hold it in
You’re pure as a white cloud
To walk with you I would be proud
You’re sweet and beautiful
Your kindness is plentiful
For the rest of my life I want to be with you!
Carnal Minds
There was a time henceforth when I had ten thousand dollars to spare
Happy with what the Lord hath already blessed me with, I decided to share
Having no need for the money I called two local men to mine house
Rumor had it the second man had the reputation of a cheat and a louse
The first man whose name was Greed, came in and sat near as could be
Behind him was a man named Wisdom, but he sat far, as he smiled at me
I told them both that I had five thousand dollars to give to each
Then said Greed, "give it here now!" as he leaned closer so as to reach
While I counted the money I looked upon wisdom's silence as wise indeed
For I knew he was patient, and of life's carnality he did heed
I counted aloud the words "Five thousand" and then quickly did Greed snatch away
His half of the money, so in life's pleasures he could foolishly play
I looked up expecting a gracious word of thanks from the greedy wretch
But he was already gone without a word; it was Satan's lures he did fetch
Then I looked over at my friend Wisdom, who was never reeled in by Satan's lure
He always appreciated the life that the Lord hath given him which in itself was pure
A very uplifting man that always a smile for me and all that did pass by
For he was happy knowing our Lord whom graciously arose in the sky
I handed him his share and he quietly tucked it away
Then he went on about his business until a later day
A week later Greed ran Wisdom's old wagon off of the road with his new car
As he laughed about wisdom spreading his money to the poor afar
Then without notice the man in the sky did call
He said “The books are open, now come one, now come all!”
Greed waited in line continually bragging about his carnal things
Until he learned that he had traded them for his heavenly wings
He went to a place not fit for a man as he looked up at Wisdom flying by
He pleaded "Just one sip of water I beg you bring me from a cloud up in your sky"
Wisdom smiled and said "Dear friend, I stored my money in Gods eternal bank"
It was your earthly treasures that did demote you to a sergeant in Satan's rank
It was only yesterday that you passed a starving woman in your car so nice
I stopped in my tracks, gave her food and shelter, I didn't have to think twice
Now I am here with her in paradise, the place the Lord set aside
For those with a conscience and a heart, who in his laws did abide
Though I did have a thirst for life's carnal things
I knew that I couldn't fly up here without my precious wings
Speak to me no more from the pits of Hell
For justice is served, and I chose well!
Lost Sheep
If a friend or a loved one has gone astray
Go after them and show them the way
Do whatever it takes to save that lost sheep
For he is more important to God than those in his keep
Remember the parable of the prodigal son
Who partied away his inheritance until there was none
Broke and ashamed he returned to his fathers place
He said "I am unworthy father, and a disgrace!"
He said, "I am hungry and homeless, please accept me back
I will be as one of your servants, my work wont lack"
His father rejoiced and fit him with all the best
For now his son was home and he could rest
No longer by Satan was his son bound
Alive, well, and repenting, he returned to holy ground
Once he was dead, and for things of the flesh he did strive
His father exclaimed "Rejoice, for he was dead, but now is alive!"
Remember also the parable of the lost sheep
Once returned to the shepherd such joy he did reap
He said "rejoice with me, for I found that which was lost"
So go after that sheep, at any cost
Jesus said "Such will be the joy in heaven over one who repents
Even more than over ninety-nine just and righteous whom need not relent"
So go after that sheep that went astray
Earn a blessing from the Lord today
Rather than throw that sheep to the wolves
Send him home, safe on his hooves
Narrow Road
The Lord has laid down a straight and narrow road for his sheep to follow
Satan's flying demon's has thrown hot rocks in its path, tis his wrath they do swallow
To either side can be found greener roads leading to and fro
Some are smooth as silk and easier to tread, but I dare not where they go
Tis safe to assume that they lead not to Emmanuel’s pasture straight ahead
For the bible warns of these winding roads that lead to despair and dread
Those silky green paths, some of which curve in and out wayward out of sight
Lead to an inevitable pit stop, its host the prince of night
Right beside the Lord's narrow road is another that seems just as straight
It is greener so it seems and its climb that of a lesser grade
It also has fewer rocks tossed by Satan's winged demons from hell
As to allude the weak in its devious deception making them think that all is well
So many people follow that road beside that appears to be straight
But in the end they shall find that it drops off before heaven's gate
Though they took the simpler path that seemed straight at first
It dropped them off at hells gate and left their souls accursed
The Rose
Deep in my heart nobody knows
How I felt when I got your Rose
All by itself on that pretty long stem
Its golden petals the symbol of a friend
Not one negative word has come from your lips
That is what makes this a the best of all friendships
Upon the petals of that golden flower
Is where we will build our friendship tower
It seems that whenever I am in trouble
You are always here on the double
It is even more precious that we don’t fight
That is what makes this friendship ever so bright
I never get scared in bad weather
Because we always ride the storm out together
Remember my friend that roses come in all colors
So that you can give them to even your lovers
That red rose is what I would like to receive
For without your love I surely would grieve
I have been happy in this friendship
But for another to have you my heart would rip
Revealing these feelings may be bad
But as our friendship grows I become sad
For I have never had a friend quite like you
To ignore these feelings I would be a fool
I sit at night lonely and confused
As my other searches for love have left me abused
Do I dare make a Lover out of a friend?
Risking that a perfect friendship might end
This decision will be yours to make
For your wisdom leaves little room for mistake
For your answer I will wait a while
No matter your decision I promise to smile!
City Life
City life is all that I know
Lights for miles let off a glow
Plenty of people spreading good cheer
As together we count down the New Year
Some prefer to be secluded and live far away
Some in the mountains and some by the bay
Flatlanders they call us with a simplistic smile
Yet to get to a store they drive many a mile
All that I need is here in this beautiful city
For those missing out I feel such a pity
Today I will catch a movie while they sit on the porch
I will enjoy air conditioning while they sit and scorch
I'll have my morning cup of coffee in the diner, and a friendly chat
While them hillbillies sit and weave a straw hat
At least they can sit and count squirrels in their spare time
I will shop in the city and watch a mime
Beautiful city women are all around
No! You can't see them from your mound
A Flatlander I may very well be, and a city boy no doubt
Just remember, if you are lonely in the hills, there is always Bigfoot for you to take out!
The Lords Blessing
Because you came to me before the end
Now it is for your soul that I will send
You have realized your sin's and that is good
You are sorry for sinning against your brotherhood
In the end you were no longer fighting Life
You finally gave in to its strife
You finally realized that I wanted you to love me by faith not fear
That is why you couldn’t see me but knew that I was here
At first you hated life and its demands
Until you reached out for my loving hands
Tell your family, "Please do not grieve!"
For I promised eternity for he that would believe
Tell them you will be waiting in the Promised Land
Someday together you will play in the sand
Tell them to go after that one that went astray
Bring them closer, don’t push them away
Work together, stay by their side
Teach them my love, but don’t insult their pride
Show them my love, raise their spirits high
Tell your family I needed you here in heaven up high
Tell them please do not shed a tear
Before long they will join you here
Tell them that I have forgiven you for all of your sin
Tell them I also opened heavens gate to let you in
Be a good friend and a good host
Show them the way to the Holy Ghost
Be there when they fall to lift them high
Do all these things and they join you in the sky
To Thee I Love
I love everything about you
Your soft, soothing, lovable self
How I want to be forever with you
More than anything even wealth
I love the glittering sparkle in your eyes
The true sweet sincerity of your voice
These words are from my heart and not lies
Only for you will my heart be a hoist
Love me, squeeze me and hold me tight
Be only mine the rest of your days and nights
Please hear my voice of plead
For it is you that I love and only you that I need
You are all to me that really matters
More precious than gold or silver platters
Lock your heart to mine and throw away the key
For me it would be fine, for I truly love thee!
Listen to the Children
Listen to the children, to what they have to say
Or some where down the road you will wish you did that day
Listen close when they reach deep within
To say how they feel, or want to confess a sin
Listen well to their hearts cry
Hold them close, don’t let emotions fly
Don’t harp on them when they are a sinner
Better yet, rub it in when they are a winner
Because people mirror what you put out
They are calm when you are calm, they shout when you shout
Tell them that you love them, when they are young
Or someday you’ll pray that the jury comes back hung
Tell them “You are my child and I am proud!"
Make sure you say this nice and loud
Make sure you spend a lot of time with them
Or your relationship will surely be condemned
Grab a toy car and hop on the floor
For this he will love you so much more
Show them attention, show them you care
Teach them that you are willing to share
Make sure that you are always in their reach
Teach them all that you can teach
When they show you a desire to learn
Read to them until your eyes burn
Make sure you show them a lot of respect
Or some day your relationship may be wrecked
I have these words to he that will listen
Follow them and your life will glisten
Take the family to a picnic under the birch
Or better yet, join them in church!
Faith and Determination
If you have a dream, deep in your heart
Hold onto it with a strong mighty grip
Do not let the negativity of others tear it apart
Walk tall in confidence, careful not to trip
I've heard it said that dreamers live forever
Now with understanding I realize it is true
For they always leave a part of themselves here
So that in our memories their message will get through
Not the dreamer’s body, but their work lives forever
In their struggle to be noticed by me, and you
They never give up, or give in to the weather
Working hard on that dream, unlike so few
Remember my dear friend this lesson I've learned
Disbelievers laughed at Noah, Edison, and Wright bros too!
So now you know the more they laugh, less to be concerned
This merely confirms that the road you travel is true!
If you listen to your heart you'll soon see
Your happiness and self confidence grow
You will be happy regardless the outcome of destiny
Knowing you gave it your best you'll know
"A young seed not planted surely won’t grow"
Wait for Me
Yes darling I am blue
Sitting here in this human zoo
But I will be home soon you can bet
So please don’t worry, please don’t fret
I am sorry that I landed here in this Jail
Sitting alone in here without you is living hell
I have done a lot of thinking since I have been here
Wondering how I could have let you down my dear
Being without you is like being a petal without a flower
I hope you know that I love you with all of my power
If I could remove just one bar
I would squeeze out of here and run so far
I would run until I got to you
And show you that my love is true
I watch the birds through these bars
Then at night I gaze at the stars
I close my eyes and wish that I could fly
Then I open them and begin to cry
Because I know that I can’t be with you
Until this sentence that I serve is through
So please my love wait for me
It won’t be long until I am free
I promise you that I will change
My whole life I will rearrange
I have learned my lesson of this you can be sure